VMware Exit made easy
with TransitionManager®


Aggregate data — track VMware Compute, License, Storage, Network

Accelerate change — analyze, plan, and exit VMware faster

Automate transition — integrate to optimize each aspect of transition

Manage risk and complexity — generate and test event day plans with ease


VMware Exit made easy
with TransitionManager®


Aggregate data — track VMware Compute, License, Storage, Network

Accelerate change — analyze, plan, and exit VMware faster

Automate transition — integrate to optimize each aspect of transition

Manage risk and complexity — generate and test event day plans with ease


VMware Experience

VMware Experience

TransitionManager® has helped  teams coordinate the migration of millions of VMware assets, arguable more than any other platform. The platform has been a key part of proven migration strategies that deal with all of the complexities and challenges inherent to VMware environments.

  • Discover, analyze, and migrate VMware environments with confidence
  • Account for all relevant technical and business constraints
  • Identify and accelerate migration of low-complexity workloads
  • Maximize the benefits of native VMware tools via direct integrations
  • Accelerate migration from VMware using proven workflows
  • Integrate with tools needed to exit VMware and end up anywhere

Exit VMware
Go Anywhere...

Exit VMware
Go Anywhere...

Quickly discover and understand, then comprehensively review your VMware compute, licenses, and networking to make informed decisions about how to move off of VMware.

  • Gain quick, clear insights about current state and future state possibilities
  • Inform exit strategies from both a business and technical point of view
  • Accelerate efforts via integration and move from VMware to anywhere

Assess Options
Exit with Speed and Accuracy

Assess Options
Exit with Speed and Accuracy

Accurate insights, powerful orchestration, and rapid transformation accelerate all kinds of possible VMware Exit strategies. With millions of VMware asset migrated, arguable more than any other platform, TransitionManager® is built around proven strategies for all types of transformation efforts.

  • Analyze technical and business perspectives in one platform
  • Quickly realize the way to cost savings, get there fast
  • Shape a more cost-efficient future with confidence
  • Maximize ROI of IT and save money achieving the goals of your business

Get there Faster!