Streamline Disaster Recovery
with TransitionManager®


Prepare for recovery — ready IT for planned or unplanned events

Coordinate plans — quickly identify an IT disaster’s blast radius

Automate execution — optimize failover and failback, minimize down-time


Streamline Disaster Recovery
with TransitionManager®


Prepare for recovery — ready IT for planned or unplanned events

Coordinate plans — quickly identify an IT disaster’s blast radius

Automate execution — optimize failover and failback, minimize down-time


At-the-Ready DR Plans

At-the-Ready DR Plans

Understand the entire IT estate clearly from both technical and business perspectives and generate highly efficient Disaster Recovery (DR) plans. TransitionManager® ensures business will be able to define and re-define plans as IT changes and take action on plans whenever necessary.

  • Build data-driven plans as dynamic as the environment
  • Understand plans and their impact across business silos
  • Incorporate critical business factors in plans (RTOs, SLAs, Compliance, etc.)
  • Build, assess, and test plans with ease in a variety of scenarios

DR plans in TransitionManager® are built as templates that generate workflows dynamically as needed, whether considering specific segments of an environment or the environment as a whole. The accessibility and flexibility significantly reduces cost over time as IT changes and plans need to be tweaked, tested, or used in the event of a disaster.

Identify Blast Radius
Enact the Plan

Identify Blast Radius
Enact the Plan

Knowing what broke is easy; understanding the entire IT estate quickly and clearly enough at any moment is invaluable. TransitionManager® ensures teams have insights into IT that let them rapidly define the blast radius of any single asset. Then, through automation, teams generate workflows to fix issues and get to work.

  • Visual dependency maps for blast radius identification
  • Swift service restoration when outages occur
  • Massively improved responses times, data, analysis, plans in one platform
  • Tracking of all activities incident-to-resolution
  • Time-of-disaster identification, and auto-generation of workflows
  • Simplified, streamlined reaction process for any part of the IT estate

The Results

TransitionManager® allows teams to understand IT to devise appropriate DR plans, maintain valuable insights and keep plans up-to-date with IT changes, and take action more quickly and with greater accuracy if disaster strikes. With the flexibility to test plans and carry out failover (and failback) scenarios, TransitionManager® platform helps teams be ready for anything.

  • Reduce manual entry errors by 98%
  • Reduce resourcing by 50% (often highly skilled, highly paid)


In addition, available automation with third-party tooling accelerates efforts that reduce cost drastically, minimizes operational impacts, and put less strain on technical resources compared to typical DR efforts. The automated connectivity between teams and tools enables an accelerated, repeatable process from DR Plan conception, testing, maintenance, and implementation.

  • Reduce technical labor costs 38%
  • Reduce event execution time by 85%

Regional Bank Dramatically Improves
DR Preparedness and Reduces Costs


— Challenges —
  • Consolidate, Refresh IT
    (reduce footprint, overhead and upgrade/migrate off old tech)
  • Build resilient IT Environment 
    (execute failover plans without risk of disrupting customer services)
— Solution —

Rely on TransitionManager® platforms’ dynamic dependency analysis and automated workflow technology to quickly prepare for and execute DR tests. The platform was used to validate planned DR scenarios against dynamic asset data, synchronize team responsibilities and tasks associated with third party tools, and coordinate execution seamlessly. This resulted in an RTO reduction from 13 to just under 6 hours. The staff requirements to complete these disaster recovery efforts was reduced from 1,500 hours to 750 hours annually.

Manage change, even if it's unexpected