Technology is taking on an increasingly major role in decision making today. And in the road ahead for IT business colleagues expect decisions to be made quickly to keep the organization moving forward.
A 2018 Study reported that IT departments are struggling to keep pace with internal demands from the business, with 74% of CIOs saying that IT is under too much pressure to keep up with unrealistic demands from the business and end users.
Over three-quarters (78%) said it is getting harder to find the time and resources to answer the range of questions businesses ask, while 80% of CIOs said it is difficult to map the technical metrics of digital performance to the impact they have on the business.
But making good decisions is getting increasingly complicated. You have to evaluate both tangible and intangible criteria such as risk, capex, opex, TCO, ROI, strategic priority, business outcome, competitive advantage, fit in the current environment, institutional memory, customer perception, future IT trends and sustainability. AND, fit it all in, while keeping up with the complicated tasks that have to happen every day in IT.
Which could grind your decision making to a full stop.
With all the data and tools at our disposal, you’d think it couldn’t be easier. While on the surface it may seem as if the more information that we have, the better our decisions are, research shows that the exact opposite is often the case: The sheer amount of data that IT managers have to operate with on a daily basis is staggering compared to what they had to work with just a few decades ago.
IT has a number of different tools, systems, and strategies available today, all designed to help understand the elements of the problem and streamline the decision-making process. While technically different, at their core they all revolve around the same objective: to provide IT with critical data and the means to analyze it to help them make the most well-informed and logical business decisions.
2020 is upon us and IT organizations must break through the log jam and paralysis that are so common when faced with making decisions and planning complex projects. It’s time to own your environment, be sure you have access to critical insights, and set a faster, more efficient transformation path toward digital transformation.
We put together a short guide which includes 5 fundamental steps you can take to take ownership of your IT environment. It’s a 3 minute read and worth reminding at this critical time.
Download it here.