Preparing For A Successful Cloud or Data Center Migration [eBook]

Preparing for a Successful Cloud or Data Center Migration

Moving a data center is perhaps one of the largest and most overwhelming projects your organization’s IT staff will undertake.

The key challenge lies in keeping not only IT, but all project stakeholders across the enterprise, informed and working together smoothly toward the same goal, despite their disparate roles and project responsibilities.

Of course, you need a solid approach / methodology that covers discovery, analysis, planning and execution. But this alone is not enough to assure success. If you are moving just a few racks of gear or a few virtual machines over the weekend, it’s really no big deal.

However, when moving hundreds or even thousands of applications and the associated infrastructure, then managing the complexity and interdependencies while minimizing the business impact becomes a daunting endeavor.

In our eBook Preparing For A Successful Cloud or Data Center Migration we will share with you the important steps for you to take that will lead to a successful data center migration. Some of the key takeaways include:

  • The importance of having a complete and holistic view of the project before starting
  • The importance of a centralized planning & collaboration tool to maintain a vault of truth for the entirety of the project
  • The value of visualization to provide clear guidance to create a comprehensive move plan
  • The importance of analyzing your specific business & industry requirements may affect decisions in terms of project timeline, outage windows and business impact.

Data center migration events are commonly described as controlled disasters, but maybe it’s time to raise the bar and expect excellence. Reading this eBook is the first step towards making your cloud migration or data center migration successful.

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