Westborough, MA – (December 6, 2023) TDS is excited to announce it has received patent approval for its proprietary system and methodology, designed for evaluating and managing changes in computer systems during the transition from one hardware configuration to another through automated migration. The patented process developed by TDS for TransitionManager streamlines and automates the evaluation and implementation of computer system changes during migration and modernization of the IT estate.
Transitional Data Services (TDS), a global leader in cloud and data center migrations, and modernization, today announces the availability of TransitionManager 6.2. The new release provides further enhancements to improve performance and streamline migration tasks. Additionally, release 6.2 allows customers to execute digital transformation strategies with confidence, addressing critical business areas such as disaster preparedness and cloud adoption.
Transitional Data Services (TDS), a global leader in modernizations, and cloud and data center migrations, today announced TransitionManager 6.0. The new release includes enhancements to further automate complex hybrid cloud planning, decision-making, transformation, and migration. Together they enable customers to rapidly respond to cloud adoption, cyber preparedness, disaster recovery and digital transformation strategies.
Transitional Data Services (TDS), a global leader in modernizations and migrations, announced that its IT transformation platform, TransitionManager™, has generated powerful results for enterprise CIOs who are struggling to orchestrate and accelerate complex, large-scale transformations.
TDS announced that its TransitionManager platform has been successfully deployed and demonstrated that it can unify and streamline the CloudEndure Disaster Recovery toolchain.
TDS announced today that its TransitionManager™ software is now available integrated with Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudEndure Migration.